Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Dot Dot Dot update!

I'm delighted that I've received a bunch of excellent work to consider for Dot Dot Dot, the online journal that I'm doing for students' work. Already I've posted three excellent writers. Just this morning, I've published a tanka (tanka tanka very much...) and a touching, funny, and surprising creative nonfiction piece called A Funeral, A Burglary, and a Proposal by Camilia Darwish, a first year student. You can check out all of the work here: Dot Dot Dot Journal 

And please do send me work to consider. Likely, I'll offer suggestions and revisions (I am the writer in residence after all—that's my job!) but that's what an editor would do anyway, as well my praise, encouragement and enthusiasm. (Editors should—but don't always—do that!) Send the work to Gary[dot]Barwin[at]SheridanCollege[dot]com