Wednesday, September 23, 2020

This counts as a publication, right?


Thought I'd provide an update on my novel since yesterday I hated it. I didn't hate it today. Instead, I sat outside in my backyard in the sun and wrote. I read through what I have so far and added things to improve it and took out the things that annoyed me. One passage I had fun with was the part where my aspiring writer protagonist is imagining what the epitaph on his gravestone could be. One of the ideas is the above line, which, to be honest, I think is pretty funny. 

It was very helpful to write out how I was feeling about the novel yesterday. It helped me (along with a good night's sleep!) to make a plan for today. Reading the whole thing over as one document, rather than the bits and pieces that it was, creating "chapters" by joining together passages, and overall, working to make the overall tone better and more in keeping with my narrator/protagonist. In many places, the language sounded too formal and poetic for my protagonist, so I worked to make it more colloquial and casual or at least less high-fallutin'. 

Now what do I want my epitaph to be?  

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